Bloomerang Volunteer App Cheat Sheet.
Bloomerang Volunteer Terminology:
An AAWS Event (Kid’s Day, Everyone Day, etc.) is the equivalent of an Opportunity in Bloomerang Volunteer
Opportunities are broken down into Shifts. AAWS events typically only have 1 shift.
You will select a Role (or Roles) for the Opportunity. This will indicate what you would like to do for the day. Roles include PWC driver, Jumper, Water Starter, etc. When signing up to volunteer, select the roles you are interested in. If you have a role that you are particularly interested in, then select the shift for that role. However, depending on demand for a particular role, you may or may not be assigned a role from the one you selected.
Bloomerang Volunteer has a list of Qualifications. If you have been checked out as a PWC Driver, Boat Driver, etc. select your qualifications from the list during initial volunteer sign up. You can always go to the Bloomerang Volunteer website to review your qualifications.
How to add yourself to an opportunity:
Click on “Find your next Opportunity!” at the top of the page.
2. Review the list of Opportunities and click on the one you’d like to volunteer for.
3. Click on the “Volunteer” button (screen not shown here), and review your responses to the questions you were asked when you initially registered as a volunteer, then click “Next Step”.
4. Select the Role(s) you would like to volunteer for. Selecting a role does not guarantee you will be assigned that role on the day of the event. It will depend on demand for each role and the number of volunteers who have selected that role. Click “Next Step” to be taken to Shift selection.
5. Click the check box in the top, right corner of the specific role you would like to be assigned to and click “Complete Signup”. If you don’t have a strong preference, just click “Next” and you will be assigned a role closer to the day of the event. If you did not select a role, click “Continue” when asked “Are You Sure?” (screen not shown)
That completes the process of adding yourself to an Opportunity. Click “Go Home” to be taken back to the home screen where you will see the Opportunity you just signed up for. You can click on “Find your next Opportunity!” to volunteer for more events.
How to remove yourself from an opportunity in the Bloomerang Volunteer App:
From the My Upcoming Opportunities page, select the Opportunity you can no longer make it to. That will show you the shift you are signed up for.
2. Select “DETAILS” at the bottom of the screen to see the details about the Opportunity.
3. Select “I can’t make it”, then click on “Yes” to remove yourself from the Opportunity. This will remove you from all roles and shifts.
You should no longer see the Opportunity listed on your “My Upcoming Opportunities” page. If you do, you may have selected “click for more details…” in the “NEXT SHIFT” section of the Opportunity details page and selected “I can’t make it” on the Shift details page. All that does is remove you from the shift, not from the Opportunity. Go back to the Opportunity page and select “DETAILS” at the bottom of the screen and then select “I can’t make it”. This will remove you from the Opportunity.